Who are we?

We are a group of physiotherapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and doctors who apply the Atlas correction method with vibro-resonance developed in Switzerland by Alfredo Lerro since 2006. Atlantomed is expanding its global presence, offering a revolutionary approach that aims to address the root causes rather than merely suppressing symptoms.
We specialize in correcting the first two cervical vertebrae after recognizing the significant influence they exert on the entire body. Through an innovative treatment, completely distinct from conventional practices, we can induce significant health improvements with just one application. This approach enables the body to overcome conditions like headaches/migraines considered incurable by medicine. Many seemingly inexplicable disorders finally find a logical cause and, most importantly, a simple and often definitive solution.
What do we do?
Atlantomed offers a therapeutic approach that is exclusively mechanical, focused on identifying and correcting misalignments of the first cervical vertebra, called the Atlas. Through the skilled palpatory evaluation of the therapist, supported when necessary by appropriate radiological exams, the Atlantomed professional identifies and addresses Atlas misalignment when required. To ensure optimal results, we use state-of-the-art devices specifically designed and developed by Alfredo Lerro, based on the principle of vibro-resonance.
After correcting the Atlas and removing the underlying cause of the disorder, the body initiates a self-regulation phase, gradually adopting a more correct posture, provided no other prevalent interfering factors are present. With the progressive improvement of musculoskeletal balance, in many cases, the body regains its ability to function properly, demonstrating remarkable self-healing capabilities.
This approach is distinctly different from traditional medicine as well as physiotherapy, osteopathy, and chiropractic, offering equally distinct and lasting results.
What don't we do?
The Atlantomed method does not involve manipulation of the cervical vertebrae, ensuring a risk-free treatment profile. Besides not manipulating the vertebrae, we emphasize that, unlike many others, we do not manipulate the results obtained in any way. We are committed to guaranteeing data integrity and unequivocally condemn any attempt at alteration or falsification. What you find written on these pages is authentic, even if it might appear extraordinary. We challenge anyone to find other approaches boasting 10,000 testimonials. Nonetheless, we want to be clear that we do not promise cures. The treatment’s success rate is approximately 75%, meaning it is effective for most cases but may not yield positive results for the remaining 25%.
Our values
We are fully aware of the great responsibility involved in administering and performing such a powerful treatment, capable of drastically improving people’s quality of life, offering results previously deemed unattainable with other approaches or therapies. This awareness drives our dedication to ethics and transparency, essential elements of our work. We are constantly committed to being the benchmark for excellence in the field, distinguished by our seriousness and passion. This very responsibility slows rapid expansion: we carefully select the therapists entrusted with our method, retaining only the most qualified in our group. We always prioritize quality and results, convinced that excellence is the fruit of time and dedication.
There is no greater satisfaction than seeing the gratitude and light in the eyes of those who have been healed from a long ordeal. These invaluable moments fuel our mission to make a positive and lasting change in the lives of the people we choose to treat.
Increase public awareness about the consequences of Atlas misalignment.
Broadly promote the Atlantomed method, making it accessible to an increasing number of people, helping them free themselves from recurring disorders.
Train new therapists on an international scale, creating a network of highly qualified professionals, making the method accessible worldwide.
Raise awareness of the importance of PREVENTIVE CHECKS for Atlas misalignment, especially in children, without waiting for disorders to manifest.
Spread the Atlantomed Atlas correction method with vibro-resonance worldwide.
Transition from traditional cervical manipulation approaches to an advanced, effective, and safe treatment.
Make preventive checks of the first cervical vertebra a standard practice for adults and children, based on the principle of "prevention is better than cure." Spread this awareness in society, promoting a significant reduction in the incidence of related disorders and conditions.
Promote a proactive health culture, enabling people to enjoy a life free from continuous discomfort.
What sets us apart from others?
- Complete transparency: On our website, we provide all the information exhaustively, sincerely, and straightforwardly, about the pros and cons of Atlantomed Atlas correction. We are committed to clearly explaining every detail of the treatment, including possible reactions, to ensure that you are fully informed before undertaking any procedure.
- Clarity on treatment limitations: We acknowledge that 25% of cases may not achieve the desired results and emphasize that Atlantomed treatment is not a universal panacea. It requires a conscious approach, a thorough understanding of the treatment, and one’s health condition.
- Reliability based on experience: The Atlantomed method is the result of nearly two decades of experience in the field. Its spread across various countries testifies to its reliability and success in providing an effective and lasting solution.
- Ongoing innovation: We constantly invest in innovation and the development of techniques and equipment. The five generations of Atlas correction devices and three laser measurement systems for posture analysis demonstrate our commitment and dedication to quality and efficacy.
- Optimized and accessible website: Our website has been redesigned multiple times to offer increasingly better content in different languages. We use the latest and most advanced technologies to ensure fast navigation, improving usability and user experience.
- Quick therapist search: We have created an exclusive system to simplify the search for certified Atlantomed therapists worldwide. Using geolocation, the system presents a sorted list based on distance, including updated wait times for scheduling appointments.
- Proprietary online agenda: Our online agenda, designed to be intuitive, simplifies the management of appointments with our therapists, allowing you to book, modify, or cancel with ease. This system ensures a quick and efficient process, eliminating the need for phone calls or email exchanges, providing a smooth and time-saving experience.
- Real-time human assistance: Our live chat is managed by competent operators, avoiding the use of annoying automated bots. We provide fast and professional answers to your questions, ensuring immediate and personalized support.
- Commitment to quality and results: We strive to guarantee a high-quality standard in every Atlantomed Center, through a transparent and secure review system, protected from abuse. This approach encourages healthy competition among therapists, promoting a constant improvement in the overall quality of the treatments offered.
How are we perceived?
Atlantomed's perception is a matter of perspective:
- By healthcare professionals: We are often considered "inconvenient" since many patients, after experiencing Atlantomed treatment, manage to permanently free themselves from recurring disorders, ceasing to be their patients. This is seen as a threat to the status quo, as it challenges and questions traditional methodologies, reducing the pool of potential clients for professionals in the field. However, we are aware that every significant innovation inevitably meets resistance before being fully accepted.
- Past criticisms and hostilities: Atlantomed has faced unfounded criticisms and attacks from some therapists and doctors, including systematic attempts to discredit our work and the effectiveness of the treatment through fabricated negative reviews. Despite envy and resistance to change, we have overcome these challenges, proving our solidity and validity through 10,000 authentic testimonials.
- From our clients: Those who have known and experienced Atlantomed describe it as the most reliable and effective Atlas correction method available today. Many clients, after years of ineffective treatments, express profound gratitude for a regained quality of life. This recognition strengthens our commitment and attracts those who understand the importance of a truly innovative approach.
- Emotional impact of the treatment: Atlantomed specialists experience moments of intense gratification in seeing patients freed from chronic pain. The success of treatments often generates intense emotions and moments of commotion, with tears and hugs that testify to shared joy and relief, strengthening the human bond.
Our ideal client
The Atlantomed treatment is particularly suitable for those who:
- Struggle with recurring disorders: such as chronic headaches, persistent neck pain, or other symptoms related to Atlas misalignment.
- Seek a definitive solution: Are looking for a permanent solution to their disorders and wish to free themselves from dependence on continuous therapies or medications.
- Want to avoid risks and invasive treatments: Prefer an advanced and safe approach, avoiding the risks associated with other methodologies. They choose non-invasive treatments, opting for a mechanical realignment without the need for surgical interventions.
- Are open to innovation: Welcome and appreciate innovation in the health field, seeking a treatment that stands out from conventional approaches.
- Are willing to understand the treatment: Are ready to dedicate the necessary time to inform themselves and deeply understand the process of Atlas correction, actively and consciously participating in their healing journey.
- Look for tangible results: Seek concrete and lasting results, rejecting temporary relief between one pill and the next. They want to improve their quality of life through a treatment that addresses the root causes of their disorders.
- Value Atlantomed’s experience: Appreciate Atlantomed’s expertise and innovation, seeking a treatment performed by professionals with a long history of success.
- Prioritize transparency and honesty: Recognize and appreciate the importance of clear, sincere, and honest communication, both before and after the treatment, thanks to detailed information that facilitates conscious and informed decisions.
- Desire to improve their quality of life: Aim for a significant improvement in their well-being, aspiring to live without recurring pains and limitations, to fully enjoy a more serene and fulfilling life.
The History of Atlantomed

For many years, manual therapists have recognized the involvement of a misaligned first cervical vertebra in a range of disorders. Atlas correction is not a new discovery, especially in Switzerland, the birthplace of this technique.
Conventional practices, including chiropractic and osteopathic manipulations, often produce only temporary results, forcing people into continuous treatments without definitively solving the issue. Atlantomed was born out of awareness of the importance of the first cervical vertebra and a desire to offer a more durable and effective solution.
In 2004, Alfredo Lerro, a free thinker and founder of Atlantomed, initiated an in-depth analysis of the various Atlas correction methodologies available at that time. He observed that each approach had positive aspects but also significant limitations. This realization drove Lerro, with his perfectionist personality, to seek more advanced solutions.
Alfredo Lerro's philosophy is clear and determined: never settle for mediocre results when much more can be achieved. This evolution is rooted in learning from past mistakes and continuous improvement.
Thanks to Atlantomed, it became possible to highlight the importance and exact dynamics of the processes involving the first cervical vertebra. This shed light on how many previously accepted cause-and-effect theories were based on completely flawed assumptions and observations, while others were grounded in partial understanding of the dynamics involved. This led to therapeutic approaches inadequate for resolving the problem sustainably.
Atlantomed evolved to overcome the shortcomings of previous approaches. Independent radiological studies conducted by Alfredo Lerro deepened the understanding of the biomechanics of cervical vertebrae. This new knowledge shaped the Atlantomed method of correction using vibro-resonance as we know it today.
10,000 testimonials supporting Atlantomed, compared to a handful for other methods, underscore its effectiveness, highlighting the significant improvement potential available over previous methods.
Conventional medicine shows a complete lack of interest in the connection between Atlas misalignment and numerous disorders. This short-sighted approach leads to misdiagnoses for conditions that could, in reality, stem from a mispositioned Atlas and find a simple solution.
Other practices focused on the Atlas hypothesize misalignments of a few tenths of a millimeter, while others, like AtlasPROfilax, imagine a complete dislocation of the Atlas with a 45° rotation. However, these claims are based solely on drawings as evidence, ignoring the fact that such dislocations would be incompatible with life.
As often happens, the truth lies somewhere in the middle, and neither approach fully captures nor properly sizes the issue. Alfredo Lerro's research has shown that Atlas misalignment can reach up to 8 degrees in rotation, with or without lateral slippage, and may also involve misalignment of the second cervical vertebra, called the Axis.
The application of theories based on flawed assumptions inevitably leads to equally inadequate treatments, as the inability to fully understand the problem conditions prevents finding suitable solutions to resolve it.
For example, chiropractic attempts to correct cervical spine misalignments with sharp, abrupt neck thrusts, while gentler and more progressive treatments would be more appropriate. In overseas countries and Northern Europe, there is a gradual shift toward softer manipulations known as "low force," in response to compensation claims and lawsuits arising from failed cervical manipulations that caused permanent damage and even fatalities. These incidents have cast a shadow over chiropractic care, fueling skepticism and fear toward any cervical treatment. Who hasn't heard of people harmed or even killed following chiropractic manipulation? Such episodes have contributed to a controversial reputation, raising questions about the safety of traditional techniques.
Other methods attempt to correct misalignments not only manually but also with the use of various tools, as in the case of Atlas Orthogonal. Atlaslogy, on the other hand, relies on mental energy and assumes that Atlas misalignment is limited to a few tenths of a millimeter, correctable through thought power and the application of only 2 grams of fingertip pressure in a swaying motion.
AtlasPROfilax by René Schümperli
The one who came closest empirically to a lasting solution for the Atlas problem was René Schümperli (deceased in 2013), founder of AtlasPROfilax, to whom Alfredo Lerro owes credit for steering him toward this practice. Although AtlasPROfilax provides better results than other techniques, it is based on erroneous assumptions and dangerous oversimplifications. These include the idea that all Atlases are uniformly dislocated, that dislocation is always on the same side, and that the treatment has no contraindications. Such simplifications bypass the preliminary verification of vertebra position, compensating for a lack of training. In fact, almost all AtlasPROfilax practitioners lack any healthcare training. If they were truly able to verify vertebra positioning, they certainly wouldn't claim to correct all Atlases in the same way. Nevertheless, it must be acknowledged that Atlantomed would not exist without the initial contribution of AtlasPROfilax. Despite its mistakes and limitations, AtlasPROfilax was an essential starting point for developing a more advanced method.
When Schümperli was confronted by Lerro with a series of CT images produced by an experienced Zurich radiologist and neurologist with thirty years of experience, which unequivocally showed maximum Atlas displacements of up to 8 degrees and certainly not the 45° hypothesized by Schümperli, including vertebral rotations both to the right and left, thus disproving his theories, Schümperli's initial reaction (a detail known only to a few) was to threaten the Zurich radiologist, demanding secrecy and non-disclosure of the images.
In 2010, in an attempt to validate his questionable theory, Schümperli commissioned a study from Dr. med Rainer M. M. Siebel, who was later sentenced to three years in prison for fraud and corruption. Despite his claims, not a single axial-plane radiological image was ever presented to validate the alleged 45° misalignments.
The erroneous assumptions of Schümperli and AtlasPROfilax inevitably led to inappropriate corrections in all cases where the presumed "dislocation" did not match the hypothesis. Moreover, this method employed a treatment tool that was too light and proved ineffective and particularly noisy when applied to people with very tense musculature.
After criticizing us for years, claiming that the AtlantoVib device we developed and patented was too powerful and potentially harmful, the leaders of AtlasPROfilax thought it wise to copy our first AtlantoVib model, thereby infringing our patent. Meanwhile, our device has evolved to its fifth generation, while theirs has remained unchanged, lacking resonance and modulation.
After Schümperli's death, the AtlasPROfilax group renounced the founder's theory, which they had staunchly defended for over a decade, ultimately adopting the Atlantomed thesis, leaving behind the improbable theory that "all Atlases are dislocated on the same side."
AtlasPROfilax lacks adequate muscle preparation, making the brief treatment easily ineffective in cases of overly tense musculature.
Over time, AtlasPROfilax therapists have largely dispersed, adopting diverse approaches at their discretion. In stark contrast, Atlantomed (previously Atlantotec) has consolidated its presence, gaining growing consensus and appreciation.
Atlantomed has significantly raised the standards of achievable results with true Atlas correction, offering a much longer (75 minutes) and structured treatment. This has proven to be a winning strategy, demonstrating how consistency and quality are rewarded over time, unlike improvised solutions destined to disappear as quickly as they emerged.
How was the AtlantoVib vibro-resonance device created?
Before proceeding with the actual correction, we pay great attention to accurate muscle preparation of the entire spine. To achieve this goal, we use an alternative that is more effective and faster than traditional manual massage, capable of "resetting" the entire spine.
In manual treatment disciplines, identifying the origin of muscular dysfunction is challenging. It is essential to recognize the primary origin of the dysfunction among the different muscle chains, distinguishing it from secondary effects and compensations at the root of postural imbalance.
Following the principle that simple solutions often prove to be the best, Lerro, in his quest for a more effective alternative, developed a powerful tool capable of completely relaxing the various muscle layers and removing blockages regardless of their location. This device leverages mechanical muscle vibro-resonance, an innovative principle that cannot be replicated with manual massage.
After years of field testing and experimentation aimed at identifying the ideal frequency range, optimal modulation, and perfect oscillation amplitude to maximize effectiveness in the shortest possible time, the first AtlantoVib model was born—a device as effective as it was revolutionary. Evolving to its fifth generation, the device leverages a previously unexplored principle in the context of massage: muscle vibro-resonance. This innovation allows for deep and rapid relaxation, involving even the internal skeletal muscles that are difficult to reach manually. In practice, the entire skeleton vibrates cyclically in response to vibro-resonance and modulation.
Vibro-resonance with modulation is a highly specific phenomenon, which should not be confused with simple fixed-frequency vibration, as used by other vibrating devices for Atlas correction or common massagers now widespread for personal use. The latter, often also present in physiotherapy studios, lack the modulation capability necessary to achieve the profound and targeted effects of muscle resonance, making the operating principle of AtlantoVib unique.
The Atlantomed method eliminates the need for cervical chiropractic manipulations, proving to be a more precise and effective solution for safely addressing the misalignment of the first cervical vertebrae. This represents a significant advancement, especially considering that cervical spine chiropractic manipulation can, in some cases, be the very cause of subsequent issues.
AtlantoVib X and BalaVib: Redefining Atlas Treatment
In 2025, after two long years of design and development by Alfredo Lerro, two innovative devices were created, destined to transform the landscape of Atlas correction.
AtlantoVib X
AtlantoVib X represents the technological evolution of the already highly effective AtlantoVib 4, bringing it to a completely new level. The difference from the previous model is so pronounced that it justifies the direct leap from the fourth to the tenth model, to adequately reflect the progress achieved. Each component was meticulously redesigned from scratch during two years of development, with each element revisited dozens of times to come closer to perfection. Made with top-quality materials used in the aerospace industry, AtlantoVib X redefines standards in Atlas treatment. Therapists using AtlantoVib X experience unprecedented comfort, precision, and sensitivity during the correction. The user experience is so advanced that once tried, no one wants to return to previous tools, highlighting the vast gap in performance and practicality.
BalaVib introduces a groundbreaking innovation in the field. Before its creation, nothing comparable existed: for the first time, a device can self-balance on the spine, autonomously performing the preparatory massage. This innovative tool was designed to address the increasing difficulty of treating increasingly tense musculature without extending treatment times.
Thanks to BalaVib, the therapist can focus all their attention on the cervical area, while BalaVib simultaneously handles the relaxation of the rest of the spine. Operations that were previously performed sequentially now occur in parallel, tripling the overall efficiency of the treatment. This solution significantly improves results, offering a more comfortable, technologically advanced, and effective experience.
A New Era in Atlas Treatment
The introduction of BalaVib and AtlantoVib X marks the beginning of a new era in Atlas treatment. These devices ensure perfect synergy between innovative technology and therapeutic attention. They are concrete evidence of how continuous innovation can drastically improve treatment quality, meeting the needs of those seeking a cutting-edge approach and lasting results.
Why Choose Atlantomed?
Atlantomed: The choice for a life without the handbrake on.
- Unique, powerful, and effective treatment in two sessions: Atlantomed stands out for offering a targeted and highly effective treatment in just two sessions.
- Addressing the cause, not the symptom: Atlantomed is committed to identifying and addressing the root cause of the issue rather than just managing the symptoms, enabling rapid recovery of optimal functionality.
- Reducing dependency on continuous therapies and medications: Atlantomed aims to free people from the need for continuous therapies and medications, offering a lasting solution. This approach not only significantly improves quality of life but also helps avoid the side effects associated with prolonged medication use.
- Continuous innovation: Atlantomed is dedicated to constant innovation. Ongoing research and the development of increasingly advanced solutions ensure the method remains cutting-edge, offering the benefits of the latest discoveries in Atlas correction.
- Original source: In a landscape where many practices try to imitate, Atlantomed stands out as the original source from which others draw inspiration. By choosing Atlantomed, you choose an authentic and unique approach.
- Commitment to superior quality: Supporting Atlantomed instead of opting for low-quality imitations means not only taking care of your health but also preserving the authenticity of the treatment. Trusting those who copied rather than the original harms everyone: you’ll never know if the original would have yielded better results, while the innovators who developed the method don't get the credit they deserve. This hinders the expansion of innovation, and ultimately, everyone ends up in a sea of mediocrity where results are scarce or nonexistent. Indifference, superficiality, and selfishness are slowly eroding our world. Remember: only Atlantomed does it like Atlantomed! Others do something else with different results.
Choosing Atlantomed means aiming for the best. Explore the various sections of our site to find all the information you need to make an informed and well-considered decision.
What people say about us
Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed: