Who says migraines are incurable?

In medical and scientific literature, migraines are described as an incurable neurological condition. Conventional medicine attempts to influence the neurochemical and circulatory balance of migraine patients through medication, but this approach proves completely ineffective in the long term.
If you suffer from migraines, it should be clear to you that the persistence of your condition is not due to "not having found the right medication yet". Any pill you take will always be just a temporary remedy, unable to address the root cause of the problem.
A migraine medication may be helpful as a temporary emergency solution, but at the same time, you should look for a long-term solution. It's time to stop placing hope in promises that never materialize and start exploring concrete alternatives.
How many times has medicine betrayed your trust? How many years have you waited and hoped for a miracle drug to finally cure your migraine? Have you ever met anyone who has been permanently cured of migraines by medication? Despite the so-called "advances" in medicine, no case of migraine has ever been definitively resolved with pharmaceutical methods.

The sad reality we observe is that millions of migraine sufferers continue to take all kinds of pills throughout their lives, treating their liver as if it were a disposable accessory, as though their survival did not depend on it. We see people willing to do anything to stop the pain, desperately searching for the best neurologist or the perfect medication, like a hamster endlessly running on a wheel, unaware that it's impossible to find a solution where none exists.
For your own well-being, it's time to get off this wheel and begin understanding the true mechanism of migraines. You should make an effort to investigate the real causes of your migraines and what REAL solutions exist. I assure you that they DO EXIST, but you won't find them in a medical prescription. Below, you will find a possible solution presented without the use of drugs and without side effects. A solution that is entirely opposed to the dominant medical opinion that migraines are incurable.
Let's start with some facts about migraines:
Migraines are unilateral paroxysmal headaches (paroxysmal: sudden and intense phenomenon) that can be accompanied by symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, and hypersensitivity to light, noise, and smells. About 10% of the population suffers from migraines.
Conventional medicine classifies migraines into two main categories: migraines with aura and migraines without aura.

Migraine without aura (common migraine): this accounts for approximately 85% of migraine cases. It is characterized by nausea, with or without vomiting. The attack may be violent and pulsating or dull and continuous, like "a heavy weight pressing on the head". The pain worsens with movement, coughing, sneezing, exertion, and exposure to light. Migraine sufferers usually prefer to lie down, stay in the dark, and avoid noise. Episodes can last from a few hours to three days, usually occur without warning signs, and start on one side of the skull before quickly spreading to the rest of the head.
Migraine with aura (classic migraine): this accounts for about 14% of migraine cases. It differs from migraines without aura due to the presence of certain warning symptoms, such as hypersensitivity to light and/or noise, visual field reduction, perception of flashing lines or floaters. The duration of attacks ranges from 4 to 24 hours.
What does the Atlas have to do with migraines?

As mentioned earlier, conventional medicine tends to classify migraines as a neurological condition, focusing its investigations solely on pharmaceutical solutions.
This approach prevents exploration in other directions. Otherwise, they would have discovered what we have been advocating for over 10 years—that a misaligned Atlas compresses surrounding arteries and veins, causing a cerebral circulatory imbalance that, on its own or combined with other factors, can trigger headaches, migraines and numerous other health problems.
A study conducted on 504 candidates by Prof. Dr. Hans-Joachim Theis at the Inkam Institute in Germany shows that the Atlantomed method, based on the realignment of the first cervical vertebra, improves migraines in 82% of cases. In 39% of cases, the migraines disappear completely! Do you know of any other methods capable of achieving this?
Migraines from a medical perspective

Patients suffering from headaches or migraines usually visit their doctor with the expectation of being HEALED. They soon discover that the concept of healing understood by the doctor is very different from their own.
Doctors are taught that the treatment for a migraine patient should involve suppressing the symptom and the pain. With a short-sighted approach, they overlook the fact that the symptom will reappear if the underlying cause is not investigated and resolved.
The doctor examines the patient, takes a medical history and then diagnoses a type of migraine or headache with the aim of prescribing the "best" medication.
A definitive cure, as desired by the patient, is not even considered. Since conventional medicine assumes that migraines are incurable, it deliberately continues down the same ineffective path. Does it seem acceptable to you to reduce the pain for a few hours at the cost of severe side effects?
It should be clear to everyone that the pharmaceutical industry has no interest in finding a definitive cure for migraines and other disorders: a lifelong patient is much more profitable than a fully cured one!

If you don't believe it, ask yourself this question: when was the last time the pharmaceutical industry announced a definitive cure for any disease? Think about it carefully.
Those who become aware of this reality begin to independently seek alternative solutions for so-called "incurable diseases" like migraines. Atlantomed is one of those solutions and, given the high success rate, I would say it is THE solution.
Unfortunately, before realizing this and seeking alternative paths, people often have to "hit their heads against the wall" after suffering from drug-induced gastritis and increasingly unbearable headaches.
Medications can certainly be helpful in emergencies, but they should definitely not be used as a permanent solution for recurring migraines! We should search for and resolve the root cause, but we know that pharmaceutical companies have no interest in doing this and to keep you pacified, they tell you that migraines are incurable.
Why can Atlas misalignment cause migraines?
The lateral processes of a misaligned Atlas exert pressure on the carotid artery and the internal jugular vein, as well as a strain on the vertebral artery, which passes through these same lateral processes. The vertebral artery supplies blood to the cerebellum, while the carotid artery and the jugular vein play a crucial role in brain circulation.

This compression can lead to reduced blood inflow or outflow, depending on whether the artery or vein is affected. This explains the sensation of pressure or "pounding" in the head, as well as facial pallor, which is also a vegetative response to severe pain.
The alteration of blood flow decreases brain oxygenation and causes a transient malfunction of nerve cells, known as a neurological deficit, which can last from a few hours to several days. As each additional factor exacerbates the critical condition, the situation worsens, and once the critical threshold is crossed, a migraine attack occurs.
In some people, Atlas misalignment also disrupts cerebrospinal fluid circulation, causing an increase in intracranial pressure, known as idiopathic intracranial hypertension. You can read more here: Effects of Atlas on cerebrospinal fluid.
Stress, overwork, anxiety and nervousness promote the onset of headaches and muscle tension in the neck, which further intensifies the pain.
It is interesting to observe that the same type of Atlas misalignment can trigger migraines in one person but not in another, depending on individual anatomical differences: the size of the Atlas, available space between anatomical elements, presence of a cranio-mandibular dysfunction, sensitivity to triggers, level of muscle tension, and the state of body, liver and intestinal toxicity, not to mention the highly significant factor of emotional state.
In the following two animations, you can see how a misaligned Atlas compresses the internal jugular vein, the internal carotid artery and the vagus nerve.
It is also noteworthy that migraines are typically unilateral. This characteristic can be explained by the nature of Atlas misalignment, where a vertebra misaligned on one side affects the corresponding blood vessels on the side where the migraine occurs.
Some Triggering Factors for Migraine Attacks

- stress
- illness
- lack of sleep
- hormonal changes
- vertebral subluxation
- Atlas misalignment
- stale air or air conditioning
- abnormal dental occlusion (malocclusion)
- food allergies (food intolerances)
- alcohol, chocolate, cheese, aspartame, monosodium glutamate (E621)
- rapid changes in weather conditions (atmospheric pressure, temperature, humidity)
The accumulation of these or other factors, when exceeding a certain threshold, triggers a migraine attack. Triggering factors are not constant and may change in importance throughout life. An example of this is hormonal changes related to menopause or pregnancy, which in some cases reduce the frequency of migraines, stop the attacks, or conversely, trigger them.
The factors mentioned above seem to be less influential than the misalignment of the Atlas. Experience has shown that by correcting the position of the first vertebra, other factors are often no longer sufficient to trigger a migraine attack. What used to be the last straw now does not reach the critical threshold on its own.
It is not uncommon to observe women who suffered migraines in conjunction with their menstrual cycle, who after believing for years that their migraine was purely hormonal, changed their perception after Atlas correction.
Since Atlas misalignment is a purely mechanical issue, when resolved, migraines or headaches can sometimes disappear almost immediately. In other cases, a regeneration phase is necessary, requiring some patience.
Those who suddenly free themselves from migraines after years of suffering and failed attempts are left completely stunned and incredulous. As if paradoxically attached to it, they feel a sense of emptiness, unable to believe that their unwanted "companion" has finally left them.
Video Interviews on Migraines
If you watch some video interviews or read testimonials from people treated with Atlantomed, you will notice two things:
stories after Atlas realignment
Some testimonials from the forum on migraines
- marius.stone: Chronic migraine
- Stefania.b: After years of unsatisfactory treatments...
- ArdengoS.: Migraine: a drug-free recovery
- Stefania: Migraine: a whole new life
- Marta: Headache and migraine after a fall
- Italo: Goodbye headache
- Maria53: Migraine of lesser intensity
- Nunù erric: Rebirth without migraine or shoulder pain: MIRACULOUS!
- nunzia: Cluster headache: I feel 99% better!
- More testimonials: Migraine with and without aura
Don't miss the opportunity to free yourself from the nightmare of your migraine.

What people say about us
Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed:
Scientific literature on migraine
- Effect of Atlas Vertebrae Realignment in Subjects with Migraine.
- Cervicogenic Headache: Evidence That the Neck is a Pain Generator.
- Cervicogenic headache in patients with presumed migraine.
- Cervicogenic headache.
- The lateral atlanto-axial joint as a source of headache.
- Cervicogenic headache: etiopathogenesis, characteristics, diagnosis.
- Correlation between chronic headaches and the rectus capitis posterior minor.
- Atlanto-occipital and lateral atlanto-axial joint pain patterns.