Can an Osteopath or Chiropractor Correct the Atlas?
Some people mistakenly believe they can receive the same Atlas treatment through vibro-resonance by consulting their trusted therapist. To these individuals, we clarify that it is impossible to correct the rotation of the first cervical vertebra without the necessary equipment and appropriate technique.

Atlantomed: A Unique Approach for Its Effectiveness
Atlantomed stands out for its uniqueness and the effectiveness of its method. Unless your therapist is also an Atlantomed specialist, you have no chance of receiving a treatment even remotely comparable. By consulting a generic therapist, you cannot benefit from the results achievable with a true Atlas correction. The thousands of testimonials we have collected are proof of this. Many try to imitate us, copying bits and pieces where they can, but they invariably fail to achieve the same results. What truly matters are facts, not words.
The goal is not to discredit other forms of therapy or the therapists who practice them, but to present a more effective alternative to outdated techniques that is also risk-free. To use an IT analogy: "important update available". This update represents a unique opportunity for both patients and therapists.
Even though what we write may be uncomfortable for some professionals who, in good faith, perform manipulations, we cannot remain silent about this new knowledge for the sake of truth. The benefits for those who suffer, resulting from a precise Atlas correction, are too significant to be ignored simply because some therapists might feel offended by what we write. What bothers us even more are therapists who mislead patients, making them believe they have corrected the Atlas when this is far from the truth.
The Reality of Atlas Misalignment
An incorrect position of the Atlas can result in up to 8 degrees of rotation. Based on our experience, such a degree of rotation cannot be corrected through chiropractic or osteopathic treatments, let alone traditional manual techniques. This reality is confirmed by physiotherapists, osteopaths, or chiropractors themselves who, before becoming Atlantomed specialists, practiced traditional manipulations and manual mobilizations. Like other professionals in the field, before specializing in the Atlas, they also interpreted what they observed as recurring relapses, until they were able to verify that, in reality, it was not a relapse but an uncorrected misalignment of the vertebra from the start. They personally realized that manipulation alone is not sufficient to truly correct the Atlas. Who, if not those who know and master both techniques, can objectively compare the results?
Only deep knowledge makes comparisons meaningful
The real question is whether a therapist, experienced solely in their own manipulative techniques, is truly able to objectively evaluate treatment methods they neither practice nor directly understand. Claiming the superiority of one approach over another requires a thorough knowledge of both. Often, what is missing is precisely this bilateral understanding, which makes the comparison baseless and reduces it to an opinion built on "thin air."
Unfortunately, some people, despite lacking direct experience and in-depth knowledge, still feel entitled to make statements or accept those of others without ever questioning the validity of such comparisons. This attitude not only generates misleading information but also risks leading to decisions based on distorted beliefs.
On the other hand, the thousands of authentic testimonials available on our site and elsewhere, which provide concrete proof of the effectiveness of our method and the validity of our claims, are often ignored or, worse, dismissed as "fabricated" simply because they do not align with the beliefs and reality of those who criticize them. However, reading some of these testimonials reveals a recurring truth: many recount having tried all kinds of treatments for years, including chiropractic and osteopathy, achieving at best temporary relief, only to return to square one. Things changed drastically when they discovered Atlantomed: thanks to our method, they not only found relief but many of them finally resolved the issue, achieving a result far beyond mere temporary relief.
Could the difference in results be due to the fact that our approach is completely different from that of others? Could it be that our Atlas correction holds a value entirely distinct from simple cervical manipulations? The difference in treatment duration: 2 sessions of 75 minutes compared to a manipulation lasting less than 1 second, should already be a clear indicator of the vast difference between the two approaches.

What Are Cervical Manipulations?
Cervical manipulations are manual, and sometimes instrumental, interventions on the cervical spine aimed at improving joint mobility and relieving symptoms such as pain, stiffness, and muscle tension. These treatments, commonly used in chiropractic, osteopathic, and physiotherapeutic practices, include mobilization techniques and high-velocity, low-amplitude manipulations known as "thrust". The effects may be temporary and require repeated interventions to maintain any potential benefits.
How Do Manipulations Work?
Cervical manipulations primarily act on soft tissues such as muscles, ligaments, and joint capsules, with the goal of:
- Reducing muscle tension.
- Improving joint alignment.
- Promoting greater freedom of movement.
- Stimulating the nervous system, particularly proprioceptive receptors.
The Limits of Cervical Manipulations
After a short period following the cervical thrust, symptoms tend to reappear, accompanied by a new joint blockage, as the misalignment remains unresolved. According to chiropractic theory, one might think this occurs because the Atlas could be merely a secondary issue, resulting from other dysfunctions or "blockages" within the body.
However, our experience and the tangible results we achieve reveal a reality that contradicts this interpretation. The primary cause of symptom recurrence, after a short time, is not due to other dysfunctions but rather to the fact that the position of the Atlas has not been properly corrected. The persistence of Atlas misalignment perpetuates the symptoms, preventing a lasting resolution of the issue. In other words, the misalignment persists even after manipulation, not to mention the risks that a cervical manipulation can involve: Study on the Risks of Chiropractic Cervical Manipulations.
The Theory of Chiropractors and Osteopaths
According to the theories of chiropractors and osteopaths, a joint blockage is always the result of the incorrect position of a vertebra. This leads to the theory that, once the joint blockage is resolved, the incorrect position of the vertebra is automatically corrected.
However, this theory does not apply to the Atlas joint, which, due to its unique anatomical characteristics, behaves mechanically more like a part of the skull rather than a vertebra. This aspect is entirely overlooked, and the Atlas is treated as if it were like any other vertebra.
In chiropractic practice, it is taught that through a rapid maneuver called a thrust, lasting just a few milliseconds, it is possible to "unlock" the Atlas or other vertebrae. At Atlantomed, we emphasize that unlocking the Atlas and correcting the Atlas are two entirely different procedures with completely different values: correcting the Atlas also resolves the blockage, but the reverse is not true.
What has led to this belief? Only a minority of the people treated by Atlantomed experience a relapse after the correction, while the majority report a permanent change in their health condition. We have not observed similar results with other practices. The persistence of positive outcomes is one of the main reasons Atlantomed places such strong emphasis on the correct positioning of the Atlas.

The Challenge of Objective Verification
Trust is good, not trusting is... Thanks to the use of CT images performed before and after chiropractic or osteopathic manipulations, it is possible to demonstrate that the rotation of the Atlas persists even after these cervical maneuvers. This is the real reason why disorders, after an initial relief due to the restoration of joint mobility, tend to reappear. The lack of an effective solution for the correction of the Atlas has led in the past to an underestimation of the real importance of the misalignment of the first cervical vertebra, attributing the disorders to other causes that consequently remained unresolved. With Atlantomed, the perspective has radically changed.
The Illusion of Cervical Manipulations
To those who doubt our claims, we suggest performing a CT scan before and after a cervical manipulation to personally verify the results.
Try asking your trusted therapist how many CT scans they have compared in their career, before and after their cervical manipulation. The answer will usually be: NONE! Despite this, many therapists continue to confidently and even somewhat presumptuously claim that their manipulations can correct vertebrae, even though they have never unequivocally verified whether this actually happens.
They rely on tradition and the teachings of their masters, who in turn come from eras when today's equipment, essential for objectively validating their theories, did not yet exist. It's like the proverbial blind leading the blind, if the saying helps to illustrate the point.
From our perspective, attempting to correct the Atlas through chiropractic manipulation is equivalent to trying to drive a nail into concrete with a single slap of the palm.
By applying the Atlantomed technique of Atlas correction through vibro-resonance, 2 sessions are generally sufficient to durably return the Atlas to its neutral position. This result can also be demonstrated using CT images taken before and after the treatment.
For the sake of clarity, we specify that the content of this site should not be interpreted as a promise or guarantee of healing. Even after the Atlantomed treatment, relapses or isolated cases without significant changes may occur. The information presented here is based on the analysis of results obtained in the majority of treated subjects.
How Does the Impulse of a Chiropractic Manipulation Propagate?
When a manipulation applies a twist to the spine to restore its mobility, the force propagates from one vertebral segment to the next, often accompanied by the typical cracking sound, so appreciated by chiropractors that it almost becomes a competition to see who cracks the loudest, as if this were automatically synonymous with benefits.
In practice, when the maximum possible excursion between two vertebrae is reached, and even slightly beyond, the force of the impulse transfers to the next segment, continuing to propagate along the spine until it dissipates at the opposite end, where the spine is held stationary.
The Challenge of the Axis
However, when attempting to apply the same principle to the upper cervical spine, a significant problem arises: the second cervical vertebra, C2, which articulates with the Atlas, has a physiological range of motion of about 25 degrees per side, much greater than the few degrees allowed by other vertebrae. Consequently, the applied twisting force disperses on this ring, never reaching the joint between the Atlas and the occiput, which is the misalignment intended to be corrected.
This limitation is ignored, mistakenly assuming that some correction of the Atlas has hypothetically occurred, despite the lack of objective verification. As supposed evidence of the correction, the cracking sound is cited, which, in reality, originates from the lower cervical vertebrae, given that the Atlas has practically no rotational capacity relative to the occiput.
Some chiropractic texts erroneously attribute a physiological rotation of 5 degrees to the Atlas, a claim that, in practice, is highly questionable. A rotation of this magnitude would cause continuous vagal and circulatory disturbances, similar to those observed in people with such severe misalignments or hyperlax ligaments, making it unlikely to be considered a physiological rotation. Furthermore, the cracking cannot originate from the Axis either, as the specific structure of this vertebra, which allows for a wide 25-degree movement, excludes the possibility of generating such noise. This happens because the Axis does not have upper articular facets that could separate, as hypothesized to be the cause of the cracking; rather, this phenomenon might occur at the C2-C3 joint. The only sound that might occasionally be generated in this segment during rotation is similar to sand in gears, caused by the rubbing of the joint capsule against a misaligned C2.
Another argument used to justify the supposed correction is the increased ability of the patient to turn their head, which, however, depends exclusively on the relaxation of the cervical musculature. Although greater freedom of movement may relieve symptoms and improve well-being, this does not constitute proof of an actual correction of the Atlas. A spiral CT scan could dispel all doubts, but chiropractors, for various reasons, avoid performing it, even for educational purposes or out of simple curiosity. They prefer to continue blindly believing what their teachers taught them, namely that a specific neck twist can correct the Atlas, without ever having verified even once the effectiveness of the alignment. When the pain inevitably reappears, it is attributed to a new misalignment or other alleged primary issues that would prevent the Atlas from maintaining its correct position.
However, those who support this theory should explain why such relapses show a low percentage after correction performed with the Atlantomed method. In our case, relapses only occur in a limited number of situations, such as in the presence of significant concurrent mandibular problems; if these issues are minor, they often resolve spontaneously after Atlas correction. Although there are other marginal factors that may influence the outcome, our experience demonstrates that, in most cases, Atlas dysfunction is primary and not dependent on the array of factors often cited to justify failures, relegating the Atlas to the role of an afterthought rather than recognizing it as the driving force. Our results, verifiable and concrete, are tangible proof of this.
In light of these facts, do you still think the two types of treatments are equivalent, as many therapists try to make you believe?
Chiropractor/Osteopath Reviews vs. Atlantomed
Take a look at the reviews of any chiropractor or osteopath: what do you notice? They mostly report short-term results, often described the same day or shortly after the treatment. Our reviews, on the other hand, are generally written months, and sometimes even years, after a single correction.
Many people treated with Atlantomed report the disappearance of symptoms with just one treatment, whereas chiropractors generally speak of gradual improvements achieved through therapeutic processes lasting several months. Do you see the difference? It’s not about boasting superiority, but highlighting an objective and radiologically verifiable reality, for the benefit of people who are suffering.
The 6 Physical Laws Against the Theory of Cervical Manipulations

If we want to act according to science, we should start evaluating things considering the laws of physics. The principles of chiropractic continue to generate heated debates between supporters and critics of the discipline, also fueled by the risks associated with cervical maneuvers, which sometimes cause damage.
In our opinion, CERVICAL manipulations are like perpetual motion: they are based on a principle that disregards the laws of physics and are therefore destined to fail. Note: we are specifically referring to manipulations of the upper cervical spine and not the rest of the spine, which is more robust and better able to tolerate the applied stresses. If their foundations are already wrong, how can they be expected to work?
Some chiropractic theories conflict with fundamental laws and principles of physics and biomechanics, especially considering claims that they can correct the position of a vertebra like the Atlas displaced on multiple axes with a single impulse. Here are some laws and principles that are "violated" or not adequately respected:
To avoid making the text too long and considering that physical laws may only interest a few and are not easily understandable to everyone, we have included them in a DOWNLOADABLE PDF HERE.
New Developments in Cervical Treatments
In addition to the use of hands, recently some therapists are attempting to address Atlas correction using various types of mechanical devices. Could it be that they are realizing that hands alone are not enough to work on the Atlas? On one hand, they criticize us; on the other, they copy our texts, terminology, and everything else.
However, it is not enough to have a device, perhaps copied from our AtlantoVib, and apply it randomly to the neck without proper knowledge and competence. Correcting the Atlas requires a much higher level of preparation and skill, resulting from specific training and extensive experience. A true correction requires extreme precision: variations in inclination of a few degrees or a deviation of a few millimeters from the correct intervention point can make the difference between "I have corrected the Atlas" and "I simply massaged the neck without correcting anything".
For the patient, this translates respectively into "the symptoms disappear if they were related to the Atlas" or "after some initial benefit, everything returns to how it was before". For intellectual honesty, we must clarify that even with Atlantomed, the second option can sometimes occur for various reasons; however, the fundamental difference lies in the reduced percentage of cases where this happens.
What people say about us
Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed: