Who Is Atlantomed Treatment For?

What Is Atlantomed?
- Atlantomed is a unique and innovative method designed to identify and correct misalignments of the first cervical vertebra. Experience shows that optimizing the functionality of the upper cervical spine can significantly impact the entire body, potentially alleviating a wide range of symptoms.
- Unlike conventional medicine, which focuses on symptoms through diagnoses, Atlantomed stimulates the body's self-regulatory capacity by realigning the Atlas using vibro-resonance, promoting the spontaneous reduction or disappearance of discomfort.
- Atlantomed is neither a massage nor a cervical manipulation; any comparison with other known techniques is inappropriate.
- The method is based on a completely new approach, deserving its own place among various therapeutic practices.
- The effectiveness of the treatment cannot be predicted in advance, as the body's self-healing resources may be insufficient, or the cause of the discomfort may not be attributable to the Atlas. Consequently, there is no guarantee that the treatment will produce the desired results.
Who We Recommend Atlantomed Treatment For:
- Those who wish to adopt a preventive approach to maintain good health for the future.
- Those seeking the CAUSE of their symptoms and a long-term solution.
- Those who realize that their symptoms cannot be resolved through conventional medical treatments focused solely on symptom suppression.
- Those who recognize the complexity of the human body and the interconnection between its parts, understanding that an imbalance in one key area can cause discomfort in other seemingly unrelated parts of the body.
- Those who are aware that balance can be restored without necessarily resorting to complex solutions or medications.
- Those who do not believe their symptoms are solely due to psychosomatic causes or aging.
- Those unwilling to accept living with their symptoms without exploring every possible solution first.
Who Should Avoid Atlas Correction?
At Atlantomed, we would like the benefits of treatment to be accessible to everyone; however, there are situations where this is not possible. Below are cases in which Atlantomed treatment is not recommended:
- Those with any of the absolute contraindications described on this page: contraindications for Atlas correction.
- Those only interested in a diagnosis followed by the usual attempt to suppress pain, without the willingness to delve into the true causes of the problem. Atlas misalignment is not a disease!
- Those who casually abuse medications for recurring issues, ignoring the possibility that this might reinforce the symptom rather than eliminate its cause. While medication may be justified for acute conditions, it is not for chronic ones.
- Those who believe healing is solely the therapist's responsibility, without considering their own starting conditions or actively engaging in the process, blaming others if healing does not occur.
- Those unwilling to make the minimum effort required for a potentially effective treatment and find it too burdensome to visit an Atlantomed Center "twice," even if it is distant from home.
- Those who demand guarantees that the treatment will resolve a specific condition, not understanding that Atlantomed does not cure diseases but facilitates proper body function.
- Those expecting an immediate cure for long-standing conditions, despite no previous treatment truly working.
- Those unwilling to take the time to thoroughly study this site, understand what we do and don’t do, and learn about the proposed treatment mechanisms.
Realistic Expectations and Unique Results
Despite thousands of testimonials in favor of the Atlantomed method, every case is unique, and results vary based on factors such as age and general health. The outcomes cannot be predicted in advance.
It is important to understand that if a friend or a video testimonial reports resolving their issues, this does not guarantee the same effect for you. Atlantomed does not promise to cure specific diseases; the goal of Atlas correction is to improve the body's overall functionality, enabling it to heal itself.
Here is an example of how NOT to approach Atlas correction: "if it worked for them and I have the same issue, it will surely work for me too." Your issue, even if similar, might not be related to the Atlas. It is impossible to predict in advance if and which symptoms will be resolved after the treatment.
Unrealistic expectations often arise from not reading and understanding the information on our site, sometimes leading to disappointment. Disappointing you is the last thing we want! We put a lot of dedication into our work because we know the enormous potential and effectiveness of the method we have developed and want you to be satisfied with the results. So please, take all the time you need to thoroughly study this site. Your health will thank you.
Important Premise!
To avoid misunderstandings with your Atlas specialist, it is helpful to clarify some essential concepts right from the start.
We feel it is necessary to make the following clarifications, even at the risk of seeming overly meticulous, as many people who contact us do so in a way that clearly reflects a misunderstanding of our work. The most common phrases we hear are: "I’d like to make an appointment with the doctor for a check-up," or "I have migraines, can you treat me?" or "I have this specific issue, can you cure me?"
These requests demonstrate a complete misunderstanding of our method and create challenges, including the risk of being accused of not having treated or cured you. Those who truly understand the purpose of the treatment would never make such statements, as no one can predict the outcome of the correction in advance or determine whether the Atlas is indeed the cause of the reported issue.
The treatment can be summarized very simply: the position of the Atlas is assessed, corrected if necessary, and the rest is up to the body. What improvements occur, and if any, depends entirely on the body itself, regardless of our intent. It’s as simple as that.
We are aware that the reading material is extensive and requires effort, but we encourage you to reflect: what has neglecting to take the necessary time to explore your problem, understand its causes, and evaluate potential solutions led to so far? Have you resolved your problem with this attitude? Or has the situation continued to deteriorate despite medical visits, diagnoses, and medications?
Atlantomed is a completely different approach from what you know. We find it both disconcerting and frustrating when, despite our invitation to carefully read our website before proceeding, some people contact us saying: "I’ve already read everything and would like an appointment with the doctor because I suffer from migraines, and you treated my cousin." At this point, the only two possible explanations are that they haven’t actually read as they claim or that they haven’t understood what they read at all.
To avoid misunderstandings, it may be helpful to clarify the dictionary definitions of some key terms often used incorrectly. This not only prevents misinterpretations but also avoids attributing to us statements we never made.
Key Definitions:
Check-up: the set of observations a doctor makes about a patient to determine their health condition.
Patient: someone undergoing treatment by a doctor.
Treatment: the work performed by a doctor to heal a sick person.
Therapy: a method of treating a disease.
Diagnosis: identifying a disease based on symptoms, patient history, and instrumental and laboratory tests.
Clarifications about the Atlantomed Method:
- The Atlantomed method is not a medical treatment.
- An Atlantomed specialist does not perform check-ups, make diagnoses, or treat specific illnesses.
- Atlantomed is a mechanical treatment aimed at correcting cervical vertebrae and not a therapy.
- An Atlantomed specialist does not promise healing, so please do not ask us if we can cure your issue.
- We do not claim to replace your trusted doctor or cure your illnesses.
- Our work consists of verifying the position of the Atlas and, if necessary, performing a correction in the best way possible.
Clear and Direct
The fact that the treatment is completed in just two sessions might suggest that actively taking care of your health is unnecessary. However, the benefits of the treatment also depend on your willingness to correct harmful habits.
A Realistic Approach to Results
The treatment does not aim to suppress symptoms as a painkiller would, providing a few hours of relief before the pain returns. It is a completely different approach from conventional methods and should not be judged by the same criteria. If your condition is particularly severe—perhaps your musculoskeletal system is in poor shape, you have significant cranio-mandibular issues due to disastrous oral conditions, you lead a sedentary lifestyle, or your mental and physical condition is affected by anxiety and panic attacks—then you cannot expect miracles without also changing the harmful habits that led to this condition. If your symptoms do not improve as hoped, there may be other underlying causes to investigate and resolve. What we offer is an effective treatment, not a miraculous cure, and as mentioned several times, the results cannot be predicted in advance.
Prevention and Responsibility for Your Health
Atlantomed is primarily a preventive treatment. It is better to intervene BEFORE the pain becomes unbearable. Unfortunately, many continue to ignore this preventive opportunity even after learning about us; this is evidenced by the low number of children treated, despite the misalignment of the Atlas potentially being present from birth and despite our offering free treatment for children up to 8 years old during the second session of their parents.
If, at the time of treatment, the body is already very debilitated after years of bad habits and poisoned by continuous medication use in an attempt to find relief, it cannot be expected that a single treatment will solve everything. It becomes necessary to embark on a path where the Atlas treatment is just the first step. The fact that others have had excellent results does not guarantee the same outcome for everyone, as each individual starts from a different baseline condition.
Patience and Awareness
Understanding this is essential to avoid disappointment. After the treatment, PATIENCE is required: the body needs to adapt and resolve issues that have developed over time. If no results are seen after a week, this does not mean the treatment is ineffective. This is why our site is so detailed. Unfortunately, not everyone reads it carefully, preferring to complain in despair instead of taking the necessary steps to change their situation. Your therapist will guide you on the best path to follow.
It happens that people in very difficult conditions expect immediate results, and if these do not come quickly, they feel so disappointed that they think they have the right to complain and accuse us, often without even completing the second scheduled session! This occurs because of the bad habit of delegating one’s health to the doctor, without taking the time to inform oneself and at least understand in general terms how the human body works.
Atlantomed can improve health in relation to your initial general condition and the body’s ability to regenerate. Those expecting miracles without considering their starting point are not suitable for this type of treatment.
Advice Before Undergoing Treatment
Our site contains 40 main pages. We recommend reading them carefully before deciding, at least all the pages about the fundamentals, the method, and those related to the specific issues of your case.
According to our statistics, with Atlas correction, you have over a 75% chance of improvement. This means there is a 25% chance that symptoms will persist. It is important to be aware of this before undergoing the treatment.
Beware of charlatans, avoid imitations!

The sole purpose of the following text is to protect both patients and the Atlantomed method, driven by the awareness of the benefits that a true Atlas correction can bring to people.
Unfortunately, there are various healthcare practitioners who claim to be qualified to treat the Atlas without being truly capable of performing the procedures correctly. Holding a diploma as a doctor, physiotherapist, or osteopath does not guarantee the ability to effectively perform an Atlas correction, nor does it ensure that the vertebra is genuinely aligned after the treatment, a condition that patients can hardly assess independently.
Such behavior not only tarnishes our excellent reputation, built over years of dedication and success, but also undermines people’s opinion of Atlas realignment, fostering distrust toward a method that is otherwise effective and well-established in various countries.
If an expertly executed Atlas correction yields results in "only" 75% of cases, imagine the effects of a subpar correction that amounts to little more than a simple massage, leaving the Atlas misaligned, as we have observed in numerous cases.
The risks of unqualified treatments: beware of imitators!
An extreme case involves a client we chose not to treat because tomography unequivocally showed that the Atlas was already aligned and that their symptoms could not stem from the first vertebra. Unconvinced, the client turned to an unscrupulous practitioner known to us, who, ignoring the tomography results, performed some sort of Atlas treatment anyway, significantly worsening the symptoms. This practitioner, who actively promotes themselves online and has tried to discredit us with falsehoods for years, justified their actions by claiming that tomography is unnecessary because "the touch of their hands is more precise." Unfortunately, this severely compromised the patient’s health.Such recklessness is evident. Without proper equipment and expertise, a lasting Atlas correction is impossible; the session becomes a superficial treatment, sometimes accompanied by cervical manipulation that can never achieve the results attainable with Atlantomed. We take no responsibility for the harm caused by these individuals or for any deterioration in patients’ health resulting from treatments performed without genuine expertise, by unqualified individuals exploiting our name and method, taking advantage of patients’ naivety.
Why do we criticize others?
Why do we strive to make people aware of potential scams? We could easily focus on our work and ignore the rest, sparing ourselves the risk of being perceived as critical or presumptuous. We could also leave people to their fate, as some might deserve, allowing them to fall into traps without worrying about it.
But who wouldn’t want someone experienced in a specific field to guide them toward the best path, helping them avoid learning through painful mistakes? Someone who shows you the way out of that swamp where you’ve been sinking for years, despite numerous, mostly failed attempts, which have only further destroyed your trust in the healthcare system and medical professionals. Navigating the complex field of health is a daunting task, surrounded as we are by conflicting information often driven by economic interests.
You might argue that Atlantomed also has economic interests. However, the fundamental difference lies in the motivation: beyond legitimate financial interest, what truly drives us is a sincere desire to help others ethically and with the highest quality. This is profoundly different from seeking mere profit at the expense of others’ health and well-being, don’t you think? It is possible to provide excellence and charge fairly or sell illusions and exploit situations, as parasites do. The choice is clear.
We acknowledge that our method cannot help 20-25% of people and understand that these individuals might perceive us negatively, likening us to the second category. However, such limitations are not due to our will but to the nature of the treatment itself.
With great power comes great responsibility
Helping a good 75% of people, as was previously impossible, entails a great responsibility: disseminating the method while preserving its authenticity and purity, always ensuring the highest quality and protecting it from any contamination that could compromise its effectiveness and results. This responsibility drives us to publicly denounce those who copy and offer low-quality Atlas corrections, achieving poor results. If we don’t all work together to protect what works, we risk ending up with a method that no longer delivers the benefits it could, penalizing everyone.
To avoid all this, everyone’s collaboration is needed. On one hand, people must adequately inform themselves, avoiding entrusting their health to the first person they encounter; on the other hand, therapists should train directly with those who developed the method, avoiding imitations, approximations, or worse, relying on copies of copies. While the ambition to progress is admirable, achieving the same results through superficial or improvised approaches is impossible. What took 15 years of research and development cannot be replicated without deep understanding and competence. Thinking that an iPhone 1 could have the same features as an iPhone 16 is simply unrealistic.
Many fall for it

The reality is that many patients, unaware and often desperate, after hearing about our successes, turn to anyone claiming to perform some Atlas correction without realizing that the offered treatment is entirely different.
The category most seemingly irritated by our success is chiropractors, who do not miss an opportunity to emphasize that they were the first to address the Atlas vertebra and insist on being the only ones people should turn to, leveraging their university credentials and diplomas as if these guaranteed success in Atlas correction.
They fail to realize that what we do has nothing to do with their manipulations and that the only truly important factor is tangible results. Have you ever heard that chiropractic, despite repeated sessions, truly cures people of migraines or other chronic disorders? I mostly hear about temporary relief. And if chiropractic were so effective, how do you explain that, despite the high number of chiropractors, the world is increasingly full of people afflicted by all kinds of chronic ailments?
Chiropractic and osteopathy undoubtedly have much to offer. This is not intended as criticism for its own sake but rather as a prompt to reflect and evolve. Many Atlantomed therapists are also osteopaths or chiropractors, demonstrating how different disciplines can integrate to offer a more comprehensive and targeted approach.
What is troubling, however, is when someone claims to be the sole authority in a field despite achieving lower and temporary results compared to others.
Even Polaroid, a pioneer in mass photography, was outdone by digital cameras, which offer significantly superior quality and practicality. Innovation and results speak for themselves. A similar fate befell Nokia with its phones.
What people say about us
Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed: