Treatment Progress
The Atlantomed technique allows, in many cases, for a stable realignment of the first cervical vertebra and the underlying vertebrae, without any collateral risks. The method is completely different from cervical manipulations: IT DOES NOT involve the dreaded abrupt and sudden head movements characteristic of chiropractic.
The Atlantomed treatment consists of 2 sessions of 75 minutes each, performed as described below. If necessary, the first correction session can be preceded by a preparatory session. Since all sessions have the same duration, the type can be freely adjusted afterward as needed: for instance, if during the first scheduled session it is determined that the muscles remain too rigid despite the massage, this session can be converted into a preparatory one, postponing the Atlas correction to a subsequent appointment.
First Session
The first Atlantomed appointment follows a precise protocol designed to ensure maximum treatment effectiveness:
- Filling out a form with personal data and a self-assessment of one’s state of well-being through a multiple-choice table (not a medical history).
- If the 3 introductory videos have not been watched as requested, the treatment and the repercussions of Atlas misalignment will be briefly explained using an anatomical model of the skull.
- Clarification of any doubts about the treatment and explanations of possible reactions. No medical history is required, as the treatment focuses on eliminating the cause and does not address symptoms directly.
- Palpatory examination to detect Atlas misalignment. If treatment is not necessary, no cost will be incurred.
- Posture evaluation through photographic analysis from 3 perspectives: posterior, lateral, and frontal, performed with the SpineLine postural analysis system.
- Deep mechanical massage of the cervical and dorsal musculature using the BalaVib, performed with specific vibro-resonance devices.
- More precise re-evaluation of Atlas misalignment, made possible by muscle relaxation.
- Atlas correction using a dedicated device, with intermediate evaluations until achieving the correct alignment of the first vertebra.
- Verification and possible correction of the Axis, the second cervical vertebra.
- Repetition of photographic documentation and comparison with previous images to highlight postural changes.
The treatment begins with a back massage performed autonomously by the BalaVib, our innovative device capable of self-balancing on the back and constantly applying the ideal pressure. After a few minutes, necessary to familiarize oneself with this innovative massage, a deep state of relaxation is achieved.
While the BalaVib works autonomously on the back, the Atlas specialist simultaneously performs a cervical massage targeting the muscles that will later be involved in the Atlas correction. This massage aims to effectively relax the muscles that stabilize the first cervical vertebra, improving their mobility and optimizing the precision of the manual examination.
Advantages of the New BalaVib

The main advantage of the BalaVib lies in its ability to provide 5 massage points, distributed across 3 devices that operate simultaneously at different frequencies. This innovation allows the therapist to focus entirely on the cervical area, without having to divide time between the back and the cervical region, significantly improving the effectiveness of muscle relaxation.
If necessary, the BalaVib’s action can be combined with the use of pulsing vacuum cups and electrostimulation, which are particularly useful for treating more superficial contractures, further enhancing the efficiency of the treatment.
The AtlantoVib and BalaVib devices, designed and manufactured by us, are unique in their kind. The synergy and interaction between the principle of resonance and the modulation across multiple simultaneous points enable an innovative and highly effective treatment.
Stochastic Frequency for Deep Relaxation
These devices pulse and vibrate with a stochastic frequency, preventing the muscle from adapting to the stimulus. The adjustment is made according to the tonicity and compactness of the muscles, allowing relaxation of all muscle layers, including the deepest ones that support the skull and skeleton. This result is unattainable with traditional massage techniques.
Muscle fibers are stimulated by oscillatory movements that constantly vary along three axes, enabling the reach and stimulation of all types of muscular and tendinous structures, from the surface to the deepest tissues. This process induces deep relaxation and significantly improves spinal mobility. The waves generated spread throughout the body, much like a stone creating ripples on the surface of a pond.
After the massage, which takes up the majority of the session time, a recheck of the misalignment is performed, followed by the actual correction. This involves progressive and intermittent pressure applied to specific points at the base of the skull, aimed at stretching the deep muscles and ligaments that connect the Atlas to other structures. Once the vertebra is mobilized, it is gradually guided into its neutral alignment. The procedure is carried out in a seated position, without sudden head rotations.
Second Session
After the 5-8 weeks needed for the body to "adjust", the treatment is completed with a second session. The second Atlantomed appointment proceeds as follows:
- Updating the self-assessment form on personal well-being, completed during the first session.
- Comparison of the current level of issues with the initial level, to evaluate the observed improvements.
- Repetition of photographic documentation and comparison with the images from the previous session.
- Palpatory examination to check the cervical condition and the position of the first two vertebrae.
- If necessary, refinement of the work performed during the first session.
- General massage to eliminate residual tensions.
During the second session, the manual examination of the Atlas is repeated, and if it is still not completely aligned, the correction performed during the first treatment is refined. This is followed by relaxing the rest of the musculature, focusing on any residual tensions. The adjustment phase and the consequent postural change might have generated new tensions in different areas.
To support families and promote prevention, Atlantomed centers offer the possibility of correcting a child’s Atlas, free of charge, during the second session of the parent, for children up to 8 years old.
Preparatory Session (if needed)
In particular cases, one or two weeks before the Atlas correction session, it is possible to add a preparatory session. During this session, the position of the Atlas can be checked, a photographic postural analysis can be performed, and a massage with AtlantoVib can be conducted as preparation for the subsequent correction. This is an additional session, to be conducted as needed, and is independent of the two correction and control sessions.
Reasons to carry out a preparatory session before the Atlas correction:
- Indecision about the treatment: you want to evaluate whether Atlas correction is suitable for your case by opting for a less demanding intermediate step.
- Precaution and gradual approach: you are particularly cautious and prefer to approach the method gradually, without starting immediately with the full treatment.
- In-depth consultation: you want to explain your specific issue in more detail to the therapist to receive a more thorough analysis.
- Postural check and familiarization: you want to analyze your posture and become familiar with the massage using AtlantoVib and BalaVib before undergoing the actual correction.
- Elevated muscular tension: your muscles are particularly tense and stiff, and you believe that the massage during the correction session is not sufficient to prepare them adequately.
- Meticulous approach: you want to prepare for the treatment scrupulously, ensuring your muscles are optimally ready for the correction.
- Specific needs: you have particular issues that require more attention than the standard protocol.
What people say about us
Beware of those who disguise a simple cervical manipulation as Atlas realignment and those who offer low-quality imitations of our method. The results speak for themselves: over 10,000 testimonials and reviews in various languages make us unique. Click to discover opinions, ratings, and authentic experiences shared by those who have experienced Atlas correction with Vibro-Resonance Atlantomed: