Read carefully before proceeding

The Atlantomed correction is a unique and important opportunity for your health. Therefore, before contacting us, we expect you to have carefully studied our entire website, where you will find almost all the answers, just as you would when preparing for your wedding.

Before making an appointment it is essential that you have read: Per chi è AtlantomedControindicazioniAtteggiamento mentale e guardato questi 3 video: Video introduttivo AtlantomedAtlantoVibSpineLine. If you do, we can extend the time of the massage. We ask you to come 15 minutes earlier to fill out the necessary questionnaires. ARRIVING LATE IRREPARABLY SHORTENS THE TIME AVAILABLE FOR THE TREATMENT.

If you show up with the listed contraindications without having read them, your negligence will cost you the reserved time. Please help us not to waste time, appointments and resources unnecessarily, study the site well! Your future good health depends on it.

Our Team

4.5 26 Google reviews
3.8 12 valut. trattamento
3.8 12 valut. terapista
3.3 12 valut. risultati

Giovanni Scavelli

Atlas-Spezialist, Heilpraktiker, Chiropraktiker, Schmerztherapeut
LANGUAGE : image image image image
WAITING TIME : 25 days

Where do you find us

Grabenallee 22/24 - 77652 Offenburg - Baden-Württemberg ( Deutschland )

How to reach us:

transport by
by Car
-Google Maps-
by plane

Overnight options:

Merian Hotel
-nearest hotel-

Payment method:

Cash Card
Cash Card

Opening time

Monday:   07:30 - 12:00    |    14:30 - 18:30

Tuesday:   07:30 - 12:00    |    14:30 - 18:30

Wednesday:   07:30 - 12:00    |    14:30 - 18:30

Thursday:   07:30 - 12:00    |    14:30 - 18:30 Today

Friday:   07:30 - 12:00    |    14:30 - 18:30

Saturday:   07:30 - 12:00    |    14:30 - 18:30

Sunday:   geschlossen

Weitere von mir angebotene Therapien

Chiropraktik, Biologische Orthopädie, Schmerztherapie, Dorn-Breuss-Wirbelsäulentherapie, Extensionsbehandlung /Streckbehandlung, Massage, Fußreflexzonentherapie, Podo-Orthesiologie, Akupunktur /Chinesische Medizin, Allergiebehandlung, Biologische Onkologie, Chelattherapie, Colon-Hydro-Therapie, Cryonic-Kältereiztherapie, Eigenblut-Therapie, Ernährungsberatung, Homöopathie /Homöosiniatrie, Hyperthermie, Komplementäre (= ergänzende) Krebsbehandlung und –vorbeugung, Lebensberatung, Ohrspülung, Raucherentwöhnung, Sauerstoff-Ionisationstherapie, Schwermetall-Ausleitung, THAM-Köhler-Infusionstherapie, UV-Bestrahlung des Blutes, Vitamin-C-Hochdosis-Therapie.

Meine Philosophie

„Das Wunder des menschlichen Körpers ist uns geschenkt, seine Erhaltung unsere Aufgabe“. Jeder Mensch hat seinen eigenen, ganz persönlichen Lebensweg und wird mit einer individuellen „Ausstattung“ geboren. Wir machen Erfahrungen, die mit dem Menschwerden und Menschsein zusammenhängen, jeweils zum ersten Mal. Dazu gehört der eigene Körper mit seiner Gesundheits- und Krankheitsgeschichte, die ganz wesentlich mit dem seelisch-emotionalen Bereich des Er-Lebens verbunden ist.

Damit die persönliche Geschichte einen guten Verlauf nehmen kann, ist der Mensch immer wieder auf die Begleitung erfahrener Mitmenschen angewiesen. Mit dem Schwerpunkt auf der körperlichen Gesundheit, aber unbedingt auch mit dem Blick auf die Ganzheit menschlichen Seins, biete ich meinen Patienten professionelle Unterstützung auf dem Hintergrund eines breitgefächerten Therapiespektrums an. Unser Anliegen ist es, in bestmöglicher Abstimmung mit dem Patienten eine für den Einzelnen passende Therapieauswahl zu treffen und gemeinsam Schritt für Schritt den Weg zu mehr Gesundheit und Wohlbefinden zu gehen.

Mini FAQ

Dopo aver scelto il terapista da cui vorresti essere trattato, puoi fissare da solo il tuo appuntamento nella nostra comoda AGENDA ONLINE oppure puoi contattandoci per telefono. Per favore NON inviare e-mail o messaggi per RICHIEDERE, ANNULLARE o SPOSTARE gli appuntamenti.

La disponibilità degli appuntamenti è sempre aggiornata e costantemente visibile sia sulla pagina del terapista che nella relativa AGENDA ONLINE.

Se desideri spostare il tuo appuntamento dopo averlo preso, non inviare e-mail e non prenderne uno nuovo ma semplicemente modifica il tuo appuntamento esistente nell'agenda online, seguendo il link contenuto nella e-mail di conferma che hai ricevuto.


Read before sending e-mails:

If you have read this site and understood the principle of how the treatment works, you will also have understood that it is not necessary to list your ailments and send us reports asking if we can cure you of a particular ailment. It does not work like a doctor treating your symptoms. The Atlantomed specialist does not check your previous situation but your CURRENT situation and then realigns your neck if necessary. The disappearance of your symptoms depends on your body's ability to regulate itself. If we need previous examinations, we will ask you for them.

Before writing to us, please consult our FAQ with answers to frequently asked questions.

We do not accept booking requests, changes or cancellations by e-mail! You can do this yourself via our comfortable online calendar.
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Please DO NOT use this contact form, email, message or SMS to REQUEST, POSTPONE or CANCEL appointments. Instead, use the handy ONLINE AGENDA to manage everything yourself.

You can always check the current availability of appointments on the therapists page. Please do not send requests to this effect, nor will we be able to notify you if previous appointments become available. This function is automated in the online agenda.

You can cancel or reschedule an appointment yourself using the confirmation email you receive after booking online.

Please read the notice and confirm that you have read it

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