Upload video-testimonial

Upload video-testimonianza

Below you’ll find the instructions to send us your video testimonial after your Atlantomed treatment. Your experience is essential for both us and the many people who cannot find a solution to their suffering.

People who are in the same situation you were in before you met us and who get by on medication, without ever solving their problems.

What do you need to record?

  • Make sure you have good lighting,
  • a noise-free environment,
  • your mobile phone, possibly with headphones for better sound.

What should you say in the video?

  • How old you are.
  • What you do.
  • What symptoms you were suffering from.
  • How long you’ve been suffering from them.
  • What you did in order to try and solve your problems.
  • If it worked. For how long?
  • What happened to you after your atlas correction.
  • What reactions and benefits did you have.

Upload and send us your video

Before sending your video, please rename it with your first and last name, so we can identify it. Also, unless you say your name during the video, we won’t divulge this information.

To send us your video, you can use one of the following two convenient free online services, without the need to register. Just indicate our e-mail address you want to send your video to: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it., followed by your own e-mail address as the sender.

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